👌How to claim the rewards

Easily to claim the rewards, get more and more from THG Staking.

How to claim gTHG rewards

The THG Staking program with two options Flexible Stake and High Rewards Stake allows stakers to claim gTHG every day to their in-game wallet.

The maximum claimable amount is 100 gTHG /claim. Each claim is 24 hours after the previous claim.

  • Connect your Metamask wallet to Thetan Arena Marketplace

  • Access to Staking on Marketplace

  • Select the stake package you want to claim in My Staking, and choose the amount of gTHG you want to claim

  • Click Claim

How to Unstake

Users of the Flexible Stake option can unstake at any time. With the High Rewards Stake option, it is impossible to unstake before the end of the lock duration (06 months or 12 months).

Flexible Stake

You can unstake at any time at no cost by following these steps:

  • Access to Staking on Marketplace

  • Select the stake package you want to unstake in My Staking

  • Click Unstake

High Rewards Stake

Users can only unstake when the token lock period expires.

  • Access to Staking on Marketplace

  • Select the stake package you want to unstake in My Staking

  • Click Unstake.

Last updated